Soooooo, after the BGC Eats Food Tour, the HoHo bus dropped us at 9th Ave where InstaGig is about to begin. It's a free OPM concert featuring Jennifer Blair-Bianco, Pulso, Maude, Taken By Cars, Yolanda Moon, Quest, Moonwlk, Sky Marines and UP DHARMA DOWN!
It was hosted by Radio Republic together with Bonifacio High Street and Kopiko. The coolest thing about it (aside from Armi), is that they used a truck and converted it into a mini stage where the mentioned bands performed. It was hosted by Zach Lucero and (insert her name here). Haha I just can't remember her name. Honestly, I am not much into OPM these days (or should I say, YEARS.) so I don't really know any of them, except for UDD.
First on stage was Jennifer Blair-Bianco. I don't know her at all but I'm glad to have listened to a few of her songs. She has a very sweet and soothing voice, enough to serenade the entire crowd. We may not know what she's singing but we were a bit quiet while she performed and we're just giving side comments of how her voice is so fine. On her last song, she was joined by her husband, David Bianco. They make such a great couple. I just had to say that.

I don't recall which band performed after them but I think it was Moonwlk. I didn't misspell that, promise. We were introduced to Nick and Gabbi. Gabbi was actually sitting near the stage the whole time and we were wondering who she was. She was wearing a kinda-office attire so we thought she was just there with one of the crew or bands. I should say that her voice is so simple and clean but when the guy member, Nick, jumped in and sang, we were disappointed. His voice is kinda pilit for us and it didn't really match Gabbi's soulful voice. Sorry not sorry.
From what I remembered after the first two performances, I only enjoyed Maude and Yolanda Moon. Other than that, we patiently waited for Up Dharma Down's turn. It was 9ish when they were called up. This was also the only time when the crowd went near the stage and actually participated.
Yolanda Moon |
Maude |
Up Dharma Down |
Armi's voice is solid! It was like listening to a recording rather than live. They are indeed one of the most well-respected artists in the country because they can deliver great music! The crowd adored them so much including me, Cyril, and Rocky (who joined us after the tour).
They performed 5 songs including Luna, their newest song premiered on radio and music channels. After UDD, we took off together with I think half of the crowd. I felt bad for the next bands.
It was a tiring day but rewarding at the same time. Two events, both for FREE! Vacation leave well spent.
Oh, we also get to take a picture with Armi earlier.
Sorry for the photos. We didn't have enough energy to get into the crowd and bump shoulders with everyone just to get perfect shots. Booooo. :D
Of course, we ended the night with another meal. This time, at Teriyaki Boy. We just can't afford to look for a new place to dine since all of us are starving and tired.
Cyril! Couldn't have experienced this without you. :) 'Til next!