Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Because I am missing Wrong Ramen so much, I am blogging it.

A couple of months back, my food buddy and I were thinking of the next place to explore. I was very intrigued of Wrong Ramen since I heard a lot of good reviews about it. I asked Cyril if we could dine there so he checked it out online and then we agreed to meet on our usual Tuesday hangout.

Their store is located at Burgos Circle in Fort Bonifacio, Taguig. I have work until 7am in Pasay and Cyril works in Taguig so we decided to meet near his workplace since it is more convenient. Their store opens at 11am so we stayed at McDonald's first to kill time. I was careful not to eat too much 'cause I'm prepping myself for the dishes that await me at Wrong Ramen.

We noticed that we stayed too long at McDo so we decided to go somewhere else. On our way to Wrong Ramen, we passed by Tokyo Bubble Tea. I figured it's just a drink so we could stay there and kill some more time without making ourselves full.

Cyril ordered the Yocca Green Tea with 100% sugar. He said it tasted like Yakult but a bit more sour and a lot weirder. He was thankful of his choice with the percentage of sugar 'cause he can no longer figure out how it would taste without a full blast of sweetener. As for me, I chose the Mocha Milk Shake since I am not much of a risk-taker when it comes to food/drink choices. I want something that I am familiar with instead of ending up not enjoying what I order. But I know I'll also end up with the, "What if it's good?" question. So much for that. Tokyo Bubble Tea also offers food but we didn't try them. Maybe next time when my focus is not on those ramen. Btw, you get to choose your own straw color. One of their crew will approach you and give you a jar of straws and you can take your pick.

Back to the RAMEN. When we got there, their place is packed. We were asked to leave our phone number so that they can text us once a seat is available. We strolled around and waited for their text. This was the moment I was thinking that we should have gotten to their place first and then go to Tokyo Bubble Tea. We got a text in less than an hour so we hurried back to their restaurant.

Cyril and I were surprised of how small the place is. In fact, it can only accommodate up to 21 persons on both floors. We were seated on the second floor where there's long table for 8. There were dividers that could be placed/removed depending on the number of guests per batch. I didn't get a closer look at the first floor but it's where they hang their most favorite philosophy - "Right Ramen is made by Japanese Cooks. Wrong Ramen is made by idiots who think they are better than Japanese cooks." I am still savoring those words. It's genius!

Here are their other philosophies:

Anyway, we excitedly (Is that a word?) took their menu. It's a piece of paper, with size 6 or 7 font, clipped on a clipboard. Smart, eh?

We ordered the Chasu Rice Rolls as an appetizer. All I can say is that I enjoyed it too much that I could eat 5 or 6 orders in one seating. It was light and the Ponzu Sauce gave it a boost.

I think a visit to a Japanese restaurant is not complete without a Katsu so we also ordered the Bacon Katsu. It doesn't just have bacon on it. It also has cheese  inside, which made it even better. The layer of cheese and bacon coated in Japanese breadcrumbs made me feel loved by this restaurant. They sure know how to impress me! HAHA Oh, it is also topped with Alfalfa sprouts and sweet wasabi sauce. I don't eat wasabi so I was so glad the sweetness dominated the wasabi taste.

Now, the ramen. I was intrigued of the FU Ramen and I've seen some insane photos of it. However, I'm not sure if I could finish it so Cyril and I decided to get the Light Tonkotsu. As I took the first spoonful of the broth, I literally looked like the critic at Ratatouille. The only difference was I didn't see my mom or my childhood. I saw a hunky Japanese chef welcoming me to the world of Ramen.

It was full of flavors that I am not aware of. The noodles are perfectly cooked and the pork fat is just right FOR ME. Well, it's the lightest among their ramen so I guess it's also the one with the least oil and fat. I forgot to mention that health conscious teeny boppers are not welcomed to criticize them because they are called WRONG RAMEN because of the RIGHT REASONS.

To end our meal, we ordered Poop of the Gods for dessert. It just sounded so wrong that it made us feel right in ordering it. We were right. It is a Belgian chocolate with Sea Salt and Olive Oil. Need I say more?

Check out the fun stuff around their restaurant, too.

Salt and Pepper Shakers

Godzilla and Mazzinger Z's Tug-of-War

Ehem. LOL.

Yikes but cute.

Weird. Why is he there?

Exactly what I was looking for.

Jeez, I think I made my cravings worse.

Visit their Facebook page and Twitter account or better yet, visit their store at Forbes Town Center, Fort Bonifacio, Taguig. Call them at 823-8249.

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